Cell Phone Policy
Due to the new school board policy regarding cell phones and wearable technology they are no longer allowed in the learning environment. You will now have to put your devices in your school issued Yonder Pouch prior to stepping into your first period class of the day. These devices will be locked up until the end of the day and you will be able to unlock them on your way out of the building at various Yonder Pouch unlocking stations throughout campus. If a cell phone is seen throughout the school day (class time, passing period, lunch) it will be taken to the admin office. The following is the progressive discipline for a cell phone violation throughout D11.
1st Offense- Student phone stays in the admin office. The Student can pick up their phone in the admin office after school, and parent notification is made.
2nd Offense- Student phone stays in admin office. Student can pick up their phone in the admin office after school, and parent notification is made.
3rd Offense- Student phone stays in admin office. Parent is called and must pick up the phone in the admin office.
4th Offense- One day ISD for repeated disobedience. Parent is called and must pick up the phone in the admin office.
5th Offense- Two days of ISD for repeated disobedience. Parent is called and must pick up the phone in the admin office.
6th Offense- Two days of out of school suspension for repeated policy infractions. Parent is called and must pick up the phone in the admin office.
If your parents need to get ahold of you during the school day, they will need to call the front office and a staff member will get in contact with you as soon as possible. If you do not bring your Yonder Pouch to school, you will have to turn your devices into the admin office. Any Yonder Pouches that are lost or damaged will incur a $30 fee and put on obligation