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The Special Education Department at Coronado High School

We are proud to offer a continuum of services for our students. 

We have an SSN program which focuses on basic skills and Life Skills.  There is a comprehensive Transition program which involves weekly outings to community resources and experiences.

We have Fundamentals classes for students who benefit from a Special Education setting utilizing direct instruction which parallels General Education instruction for possible movement into gen-ed classes.  This can include a Study Skills class which provides additional time and resources to complete assignments.  Vocational Ace classes help to prepare students for the world of work with instruction in job skills and careers.  Community work experiences, guest speakers and field trips are also part of the Transition services we provide to prepare our students for post-high school goals.

We offer Team Taught classes for those students who can succeed in Gen-Ed classes with the additional support of Special Ed staff to incorporate accommodations and modifications and/or independent gen-ed classes according to individual needs.

Our Social Worker and other Support Staff work together with our team to help students achieve their best.

Whatever the need, we strive to provide a challenging, supportive and caring environment for your student.