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EDGE Advisory Program


The Coronado High School EDGE Advisory Program is intended to promote and foster meaningful relationships between staff and students in order to provide students with ongoing academic support, acquisition of 21st century soft skills, D11 Graduate Profile skills,  preparation for college and career readiness, and ICAP completion.


The EDGE Advisory program at Coronado High School is a required annual semester-long course.  Each Coronado student will meet tri-weekly (once on Mondays, and twice during the alternating Coronado High School Block Schedule). Students will meet in small groups with a certified staff member who will serve as that student group’s EDGE Advisor.

The primary purpose of the EDGE Advisory is to develop the D11 Graduate Profile skills within their learning environment using organization and practices for monitoring and encouraging academic progress and career and college readiness. Each student will use EDGE Advisory time to develop an individualized student success plan to map out their educational path and set academic and personal goals for life both during and after high school. 

The 3 key pillars of the Edge advisory program will focus on: 1) D11 Graduate Profile Skills 2) Student Academic Support, and 3) Student Career & College Readiness 

The D11 Graduate Profile:

D11 Grad Profile

*To learn more about the specifics of the D11 Graduate Profile, click here.

Student Academic Support:

One of the primary pillars of the EDGE Advisory program is to provide students time outside of academic and elective courses to focus on their own academic development. In pursuit of this purpose, students will use EDGE Advisory time to engage in lessons that provide an opportunity to:

-Work with their Advisor to monitor assignment/grade progress in all courses and devise plans and strategies for academic success through bi-weekly grade checks

-Develop a support system to promote high levels of learning for all students (not limited to but including use of help center, learning lab,  peer tutoring, and time to work with core and elective teachers)

-Acquire organization and study skills essential to supporting academic success and authentic learning 

-Set, revisit, and revise quarterly, semester, year long, and 4 year academic SMART goals

-Understand the relationship of school experiences and academic achievement to the world of work, home, and community.

-Develop an academic plan to complete essential coursework that provides a wide range of substantial post-secondary options

-Prepare for required assessments (ASVAB, PSAT/SAT, D11 Required Assessments.)

Student College & Career Readiness:

An equally important pillar of the EDGE Advisory program is to prepare students for life after high school by providing opportunities to develop 21st century soft skills necessary for success after high school. In pursuit of this purpose, students will engage in a series of lessons that provide opportunities to:

-Practice the D11 Graduate Profile Skills through real-word project based learning experiences.

-Explore the world of work through exposure to guest speakers representing a variety of career pathways,  planned Career Fairs, career interest inventories, career research, and potential career job shadows/internships

-Participate in on-site college/trade school tours and/or in-house college/trade school visits

-Develop a post-secondary plan in concert with their Edge Advisor and Counselor through Schoolinks and ICAP.

-Craft a professional resume and cover letter, as well as practice interview skills

-Complete job and/or college and scholarship applications 

-Explore the practical economics of life, college, and career

-Create a 4 year portfolio of artifacts to demonstrate college and career readiness and complete a defense of learning project each year.


  • Act as a coach and advocate
  • Learn the individual personalities and goals of your assigned student advisees
  • Develop meaningful relationships with your student advisees
  • Encourage student advisees to participate in community life at Coronado High School
  • Encourage and advise students to achieve their academic potential
  • Assist in obtaining or directing students in answering and problem solving  academic, extracurricular, and post-secondary questions and plans
  • Facilitate discussions of relevant topics pertaining to social and emotional development, academic pursuit, and college and career readiness.
  • Discuss relevant issues in students’ lives as they present themselves
  • Support development of student ICAP & post-secondary plan
  • Oversee student development of the Graduate Profile Portfolio
  • Attend all Advisory Professional Development Trainings
  • Deliver Advisory Lessons with Fidelity
  • Participate in the creation of lessons that align with the 3 key pillars of EDGE


  • Actively engage and participate in Advisory group/individual lessons and activities
  • Develop, pursue, and achieve academic and personal goals
  • Develop and apply organization and study skills to support academic success 
  • Access advisors to obtain answers to academic and extracurricular needs
  • Explore post-secondary career opportunities
  • Explore post-secondary college and/or training opportunities
  • Complete an active exit plan from high school through ICAP
  • Actively participate in Project Based Learning activities
  • Develop and apply 21st century soft skills across settings
  • Maintain a portfolio of artifacts as evidence of practice of the D11 Graduate profile
  • Cultivate and promote a healthy and safe school environment for all